9. Employment excluded from the plan is(1) the employment of a member of a religious order who has taken a vow of poverty and whose remuneration is paid directly or by the member to the order;
(2) employment in Québec of a Canadian resident by another government or by an international governmental organization, unless that government or international governmental organization agrees to the employment being included;
(3) employment that constitutes an exchange of work or services;
(4) employment in agriculture, an agricultural enterprise or horticulture if the person is not regularly employed by the employer in that employment and is employed by that employer for fewer than 7 days in a year;
(5) employment by the Government of Canada, the government of a province, a municipality, a school service centre or a school board in connection with a referendum or election, if the person is not regularly employed by that employer and is employed by that employer for fewer than 35 hours with respect to such referendum or election;
(6) employment, other than as an entertainer, in a circus, show, fair, parade, carnival, exposition, exhibition or other like activity, if the person is not regularly employed by the employer in that employment and is employed by that employer for fewer than 7 days in a year;
(7) employment for the purpose of a rescue operation, if the person is not regularly employed by the employer in that employment and is employed by that employer for fewer than 7 days in a year;
(8) employment as part of an exchange program, if the employee receives remuneration from an employer not resident in Canada;
(9) casual employment not performed in the course of the employer’s business or usual trade.
Despite subparagraph 5 or 6 of the first paragraph, employment is included employment from its commencement if the employment is performed for the benefit of a single employer during one or more periods whose total duration exceeds, in the course of a year,(1) 34 hours, in the case of employment described in subparagraph 5; and
(2) 6 days, in the case of employment described in subparagraph 6.